The aim of this best practice statement is to provide relevant and useful information to guide those active in the clinical area, who are responsible for the management of skin care in an ageing patient population.
The Best Practice Statement: Care of the Older Person’s Skin was first published in 2008. This has now been updated using the latest literature, including international, national and regional guidelines to provide information that reflects current best practice. This document, as with the original publication, has been developed by a team of specialists, chaired by Professor Richard White.
During the peer review process, practitioners from across the UK have been invited to comment on the various drafts including tissue viability nurses, dermatologists and incontinence advisors. Their expertise has been sought to cover best practice across the range of skin issues found in the ageing population. The need to protect vulnerable areas of the skin and prevent skin breakdown form one of the cornerstones of professional care across all spheres of practice (Voegeli, 2008). This has led to the development of an updated guideline to support decision making by clinicians caring for the older person.