Practical issues in applying compression garments and wraps for management of lymphoedema

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Practical issues in applying compression garments and wraps for management of lymphoedema

Jacqui Fletcher, Yolande Borthwick, Rebecca Elwell, Teresa Hill, Wendy Mason, Anna Rich, Margaret Sneddon, Justine Whitaker
7 October 2024

Lymphoedema is a chronic disorder of the lymphatic system, with an estimated prevalence of up to 250 million people affected worldwide (Hill et al, 2023). Despite this significant prevalence, there has been a historical delay in providing timely treatment and effective patient education. This lack of urgency in lymphoedema care has arisen from insufficient knowledge about the condition and limited knowledge among healthcare professionals about managing lymphoedema effectively. Furthermore, the lack of accessible information has exacerbated the problem, leading to the development of a number of myths surrounding lymphoedema pathophysiology and treatment. The aim of this consensus document is to identify the barriers that the lymphoedema healthcare force currently faces in the UK and to create an easy-to-access document for primary and secondary care professionals to increase their confidence in managing lymphoedema in their routine practice. 

In developing this consensus, there was a unanimous agreement among the expert panel that a significant unmet need lies in increasing awareness of the basic science behind lymphoedema and the mechanism of its treatment via compression therapy; addressing this issue and the prevailing myths about lymphoedema treatment can improve healthcare professionals’ awareness and confidence in their capability to manage the patient in front of them. 

Therefore, the aim of this consensus document is two-fold: to bust lymphoedema myths and share practical tips for common problems that lymphoedema practitioners may encounter in their daily practice, regardless of their experience level. The document aims to explain lymphoedema pathophysiology and the science behind compression therapy. The document then provides a case for effective and consistent preventive measures in people at risk of lymphoedema, explains the basic principles of choosing a suitable compression therapy garment and reiterates how, despite the initial cost of lymphoedema treatment materials, the long-term impact of timely intervention is beneficial and cost-effective for both patients and the healthcare system.

Building on the basics from the Lymphoedema Framework (2006), this consensus aims to provide a reference point for healthcare professionals (HCPs) to develop intuitive thinking in basic management of lymphoedema. The goal is to empower HCPs in confidently identifying and supporting a  patient who has had lymphoedema for some time and requires straightforward treatment, rather than urgent care.

This document is not intended to provide detailed, step-by-step guidelines and algorithms for lymphoedema treatment. For that purpose, we have referred throughout to suitable guidelines and scientific literature. 

Jacqui Fletcher, Chair 

Download the full consensus document below

Disclaimer: Endorsed by The British Lymphology Society. This document has been developed by Wounds UK/ Journal of Lymphoedema and supported by Essity, Haddenham, Juzo and medi UK.

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