It has become well publicised that chronic wounds are a significant problem for patients, clinicians and healthcare systems. The impact is increasing as cumulative numbers of wounds continue to grow – the total number of chronic wounds is rising by 12% per year (Guest et al, 2017) and it was estimated that 3.8 million patients with a wound were managed by the NHS in 2017/2018 (Guest et al, 2020). The demand for wound care has resulted in overstretched services and staff, and compromising outcomes for patients. The introduction of advanced therapies in hard-to-heal wounds can, if used appropriately, result in long-term savings. This Made Easy focuses on WoundExpress: an advanced wound therapy delivered via a pump and garment, which operates by using low-pressure air to deliver a compression therapy. The device can be used to assist in the healing of acute venous leg ulcers, or hard-to-heal wounds.