NICE guidance in real life: Implementation of an evidence-based care pathway within a new wound healing clinic 12 September 2021
Surgical site infections in vascular patients: The incidence, the impact and the importance of SSI prevention 12 September 2021
Empowering residential care home staff to manage patients with skin tears: reducing the need for unscheduled district nursing visits 12 September 2021
Medical device-related pressure ulcers and the COVID-19 pandemic: from aetiology to prevention 12 September 2021
When is a pressure ulcer not a pressure ulcer? Complexities associated with identifying aetiology of deep tissue injury (DTI) following trauma 12 September 2021
Negative pressure therapy with instillation, dwell time and an open cell foam dressings in complex vascular patients: a case series 12 September 2021
What if every health and care practitioner had the wound care skills, in line with their scope of practice? 12 September 2021
vWIN Vein Week: a global success story for venous-lymphatic awareness and the promotion of healthy legs 12 September 2021
A brief introduction to national secondary care data sets and their use in capturing and reporting pressure ulcer occurrence 12 September 2021