Journal Articles

The TILI score: the new diagnostic tool for identifying wound infection

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The TILI score: the new diagnostic tool for identifying wound infection

Andrew Sharpe, Jeanette Milne
18 March 2022

This article is based on a Made Easy workshop held at the Wounds UK Annual Conference on 8th November 2021, sponsored by Urgo Medical. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the development and evidence for the new Therapeutic Index for Local Infections (TILI) score, a diagnostic tool designed to facilitate identification and decision-making around wound infection for staff of all levels (Dissemond et al, 2020a), and to explore use of the tool in practice through real-life examples. The workshop consisted of presentations by two well-respected experts in wound care: Jeanette Milne and Andrew Sharpe and included a practical session on diagnosing local wound infection.