Each wound requires a treatment plan that is appropriate for its specific characteristics, e.g. shape, location, tissue type present and exudate type. This paper focuses on the nature of wound exudate and how determination of the type of exudate can inform the subsequent choice of an appropriate dressing. The management of wound exudate requires the clinician to have an understanding of what it is, why it is present and how to monitor and assess it accurately (White and Cutting, 2006). The authors suggest that haemostasis has a key role in the wound healing continuum. The understanding of complexities of wound exudate, particularly in the case of haemo-serous or haemo-purilent discharges, could mean the use of dressings with haemostatic properties are the appropriate management choice as they can support the healing process at a bio-interactive level in addition to the basic exudate handling method of absorption.