Povidone-iodine (PI) dressings have a long history of use in wound care as a topical antimicrobial option. They are generally safe and efficacious for use in low-exudate wounds that have signs of, or are at risk for, critical colonisation. INADINE™ (PVP-I) Non Adherent Dressing (KCI) has been used in clinical practice for the treatment of wounds for over 30 years. Studies have found the dressing to be both efficacious and cost-effective. Recently a comparator non-adherent PI dressing, Povitulle® (CD Medical), was introduced to the market. To better understand the delineation between the use of the dressings in practice, a survey was conducted to compare INADINE Dressing to Povitulle from a clinical perspective, focusing on ease of use and overall performance. Clinicians reported INADINE Dressing is easier to use and more clinically effective than Povitulle, suggesting that INADINE Dressing could provide better value as a PI wound dressing choice.