The precise positioning of wound care products is an invaluable aid for the clinician, especially where there may be confusion due to the number of similar products. Flaminal® has been positioned as an enzyme alginogel by an international panel of experts. In this respect it remains the only product in the category. Careful and accurate positioning is necessary in order that the maximum clinical value can be derived and products used to best effect. The components of Flaminal: alginate, enzymes, and glycol, are designed to provide antimicrobial broad-spectrum action, fluid uptake and moist wound conditions. To best illustrate clinical applications the T.I.M.E. framework is used to guide the clinician. Thus Flaminal may be used, after careful wound assessment, for bioburden control, creation of a moist environment, and promotion of autolytic debridement: a unique combination that will be appropriate for many chronic wounds, and optimal resource use.