Patient experience and quality of care have risen to the top of the NHS agenda over the last 18 months. Quality accounts (Darzi, 2008), quality innovation productivity and prevention (QIPP) (Farrar, 2009), commissioning for quality innovation (CQUIN) (Department of Health [DH], 2009), high impact actions (HIAs) (Dowsett, 2010; Dowsett and White, 2010), nurse sensitive indicators (NSI) are the national drivers that have underpinned this change. However, the new Government’s White Paper, Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS (DH, 2010a) has added a sense of urgency. It states: ‘Information generated by patients themselves will be critical to this process, and will include much wider use of effective tools like patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS), patient experience data, and real-time feedback’ (DH, 2010).