Larval debridement therapy: diabetic foot ulcer management

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Larval debridement therapy: diabetic foot ulcer management

1 January 2014

Larval therapy is well established as a highly-selective method of both debriding and treating diabetic foot ulcers. Evidence now demonstrates that this method is safe, efficient and cost-effective. This document provides a practical guide to the use of larval therapy in diabetic foot ulcer management.

Larval therapy can be used as part of an integrated care plan involving effective pressure relief/offloading, infection control, revascularisation, glycaemic control and patient education. Debridement helps to reduce the rate of infection and provides an ideal healing environment. Potentially all patients with a neuropathic foot ulcer are suitable candidates where there is an overall clinical decision for rapid debridement of devitalised tissue. Wounds most suited to larval theapy include moist/sloughy/necrotic wounds.

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This document has been supported by BioMonde