
Quick Guide: Personalising best practice compression option: ReadyWrap®, The solution for simple compression

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Quick Guide: Personalising best practice compression option: ReadyWrap®, The solution for simple compression

Supported by L&R
24 October 2023

Compression therapy promotes the healing of venous leg ulcers (Ousey et al, 2021) and helps alleviate pain during the initial phase of treatment. Self-care solutions garments include: 

  • Hosiery 
  • Hosiery kits 
  • Adjustable compression wrap systems

Self-management and initial compression 

Self-care solutions enable patients to be more involved in the treatment of their leg ulcer and/or underlying disease. If a patient is hesitant or finds it challenging to apply their compression garment, it’s important to understand the reasons why and ensure they are informed about alternative solutions and garments. To encourage engagement in 

self-care, it’s imperative that each patient is provided with ongoing support and appropriate knowledge of their compression solutions.

Introducing ReadyWrap® 

ReadyWrap® adjustable compression garments are designed to provide a user-friendly compression therapy option for people with venous and/or lymphatic disease. Delivering clinically effective strong compression of at least 40mmHg, with lower resting pressures and higher working pressures, they empower patients to self-manage their condition in the comfort of their homes, whether alone or with support from family, carers or clinicians. Not just in the short term, but for life.

Download the full Quick Guide below.

Disclaimer: This Quick Guide has been supported by L&R

NHS England (2019) NHS Long Term Plan. Available at:

Ousey K, Atkin L, Conway B et al (2021) Compression therapy for pharmacy teams. Wounds UK

Wounds UK (2016) Best Practice Statement: Holistic management of venous leg ulceration. Wounds UK

Wounds UK (2018) Best Practice Statement: Improving holistic assessment of chronic wounds. Wounds UK

Wounds UK (2023) Best Practice Statement: Personalised self-care for people with venous leg ulcers: a toolkit for change. Wounds UK

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