National Wound Care Strategy Programme: New resources online in response to COVID-19 situation
Due to the urgent need for guidance in the face of the COVID 19 situation, the National Wound Care Strategy Programme (NWCSP) have produced new documents to aid clinicians in supporting self-care for patients and carers.
The documents were produced with a small group of clinicians, patients and carers, and include information to support patients in self-care (including for skin tears and leg ulcers), dressing changes, compression and keeping a wound diary.
These materials can be found on the NWCSP website, along with other patient-relevant materials, including links to other organisations’ patient materials such as React to Red, Legs Matter and the Lindsay Leg Clubs patient materials, as well as videos of how to apply the most commonly used compression systems.
The group are continuing to develop the materials available during this time when urgent guidance is needed.