Objective: A small-scale quality improvement study to determine the clinical effectiveness and patient satisfaction of the long-handled monofilament fibre (Debrisoft®) debriding lolly on foot ulcers that were considered to be slow healing in nature. Methods: This was a non-comparative, small-scale quality improvement study conducted on ulcers with slough (non-fibrous) at the ulcer base. The longhandled monofilament fibre (Debrisoft®) debriding lolly was used to treat seven patients during ulcer management, following the Trust’s guidance for podiatric ulcer treatment. Results: Improvement was noted to the majority of ulcers within the second to third week and visible changes were evident, particularly in healing times and slough reduction. Both user and patient satisfaction were high. Conclusion: The long-handled monofilament fibre (Debrisoft®) debriding lolly provides an easy-to-use method of debriding foot ulcers. It allows easy access to difficult areas and enables the healing mechanism to commence. Patients verbally reported positive satisfaction when the long-handled monofilament fibre (Debrisoft®) debriding lolly was used.