Journal Articles

Reducing variation in care: Implementation of a leg ulcer pathway including treatment with UrgoStart Plus and UrgoKTwo compression system

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Reducing variation in care: Implementation of a leg ulcer pathway including treatment with UrgoStart Plus and UrgoKTwo compression system

Lorraine Norrie, Sue Murray
6 March 2020

A simplified evidenced-based treatment pathway was introduced within North Locality Central London Community Healthcare (CLCH) NHS Trust to improve patient outcomes and experience and reduce unwarranted variation (National Wound Care Strategy Programme, 2019). The pathway is based on evidence that supports the use of the UrgoStart Plus treatment range, as recommended by NICE (2019), and compression therapy using the UrgoKTwo range. This local pathway is an example used in the NICE medical technology guidance (MTG42) adoption support resources for UrgoStart for treating diabetic foot ulcers and leg ulcers. Results of following the pathway for 13 patients are described; 12 patients experienced healing within 12 weeks of commencement of the pathway.

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