In my role as a Lecturer I have the pleasure of teaching on a range of courses across the School of Medicine at Cardiff University, one of which is the Masters in Ageing, Health and Disease. I teach on wound healing and ageing as well as pressure ulcers (PU). The programme attracts a range of health professionals including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. One of the students, who works as a prison occupational therapist, asked what more they could be doing about the increasing number of PUs they are encountering in their older male population. The student recounted the current challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically because the men are restricted to their cells for 23 hours a day, prison cells are small, which limits an individual’s physical activity and the dimensions of prison beds do not fit the sizes of pressure redistributing mattresses. They have been able to provide mattress overlays that have helped to some extent but they feel they could be doing more.